Monday, June 16, 2008

The Winter of Our Discontent by John Steinbeck

I really, reeeaaally enjoyed this book....

"We formed a procession down our path to Elm Street, then left to Porlock, where our church is, our old white-steepled church, stolen intact from Christopher Wren. And we were part of a growing stream, and every woman in passing had delight of other women's hats.
'I have designed an Easter hat,' I said. 'A simple, off-the-face crown of thorns in gold with real ruby droplets on the forehead.'
'Ethan!' said Mary sternly. 'Suppose someone should hear you.'
'No, I guess it couldn't be popular.'
'I think you're horrid,' Mary said, and so did I, worse than horrid." (105)

"There must be ritual preliminaries to a serious discussion or action, and the sharper the matter is, the longer and lighter must the singing be." (113)

"A strange and seeing time, the front steps of sleep." (255)

"[...] the sky is falling and a piece of it fell on my tail." (255)

(New York: Bantam Books, 1961)

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